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This blog is about applied and theoretical concepts of Data Analytics/Machine Learning and their parent/subdomains.I explained every section to the best of my knowledge..


Exploratory Data Analysis with Python

Python is a very strong language for Data Analytics.To analyze data Python has very unique and powerful libraries.

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Sunday the 12th of June, 2022

Clustering with Python

In tabular datasets we can use statistical algorithms to get the best use of data.One of the Unsupervised Learning techniques is clustering.

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Sunday the 12th of June, 2022

Descriptive Statistics

Data Analytics, Machine Learning and all analytical processes are built on essentially statistics.In this section we will be seeing the descriptive side of statistics.

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Friday the 17th of June, 2022

Inferential Statistics Chapter 1-) Introduction

In the last section we have seen how to describe the data we have in terms of statistics.The other side of statistics may be estimating and predicting out of data.We will see the distrubitions and some basic probability in this section.

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Saturday the 18th of June, 2022

Inferential Statistics Chapter 2-) Hyphotesis Testing and Confidence Intervals

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Thursday the 28th of July, 2022

Inferential Statistics Chapter 3-) Correlation and Regression

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Wednesday the 26th of October, 2022